Solutions:#1. Yes, Black can take the knight, due to:1...dxc3 2.gxf6 cxb2 3.fxe7 bxa1=N+!Black wins the exchange due to this check by promoting to a knight.#2. Nf5+ wins. The game finished 1...Kh8 2.Qd8+ Qe8 3.Qf6+, when Black is mated.#3. Nxf5+ again wins (or Rxe8 first). The game finished 1.Nxf5+ Qxf5 2.Qxf5 Rxe1 3.Qg5+, and Black is down a bunch of material.#4. Nxb3+ wins. Moving the king allows Nxd2+ and Nxf3, and after cxb3 Qxb3 White will be mated quickly.#5. Qb7! and White is losing.
ReplyDelete#1. Yes, Black can take the knight, due to:
1...dxc3 2.gxf6 cxb2 3.fxe7 bxa1=N+!
Black wins the exchange due to this check by promoting to a knight.
#2. Nf5+ wins. The game finished 1...Kh8 2.Qd8+ Qe8 3.Qf6+, when Black is mated.
#3. Nxf5+ again wins (or Rxe8 first). The game finished 1.Nxf5+ Qxf5 2.Qxf5 Rxe1 3.Qg5+, and Black is down a bunch of material.
#4. Nxb3+ wins. Moving the king allows Nxd2+ and Nxf3, and after cxb3 Qxb3 White will be mated quickly.
#5. Qb7! and White is losing.